An essential element to living a healthy holistic lifestyle is in creating a home environment that exudes positive energy.
Your home is an extension of you and the life that you lead and the quality of your living space’s energy will be directly reflected in your overall well-being. (source)
The following 3 techniques can be implemented to create a healthier and more positive energetic vibe in your home:
1. Ways To Clear Negative Energy
How many times have you gone somewhere and said this place has a ‘great vibe’?
Wouldn’t you like to say the same for your own home? Your guests will surely notice your hard work to keep the vibe right.
Begin by considering your home’s history of events that have possibly transpired in the space.
Incidents that have occurred while you have been living in your home as well as things that may have happened prior to your residency have a lasting impact on its vibe.
Below you will find effective measures that should be taken to clear and dissipate any left over negative energetic imprints of the past occurences in your home.
If you’ve never done this before you are sure to be amazed by the results and the improvement in the feel of your home’s energy.
Periodic energy clearing of your space should be done on a regular basis.
Important Disclaimer:
As an important side note, we are assuming that you don’t have any unwanted ‘entities’ lingering about.
An entity occurrence is entirely possible for a number of reasons that we won’t go into here.
Suffice it to say that you may want to seek the advice of someone qualified and trained to deal with situations involving entities.
Remember that if you are unsure of your home’s past energetic situation it is a very good idea to get a thorough home spiritual energy assessment.
Sage Smudging
- Smudging is an effective, ancient Native American practice for clearing ‘stuck’ negative energy from living spaces.
- It involves lighting a bundle of herbs, in this case Sage, blowing out the flame and wafting the smoke throughout the area where you would like to clear energy.
- Circle the smoke in a counter-clockwise direction to clear the negative energy and then in a clockwise direction to send out new positive vibes.
Quartz Crystals
- Crystals have the power to emit and change energetic frequency patterns thus clearing unwanted energy in the spaces they occupy.
- A large quartz crystal placed in a room can attract negative energy and emit positive energy almost like an energetic filter keeping the room clear and charged with positive energy.
- Quartz crystals or any crystal in the home for that matter should be placed outside in direct sunlight periodically for a half hour or more to be cleared of the negative energy it accumulates.
Clear Quartz Crystals From Etsy
You can get a clear quartz crystal set on a metal stand to place on your coffee table from Etsy.
Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamp
- As a negative ion generator a good crystal salt lamp fills the room with more positive vibes.
- The negative ions they give off are unseen molecules that have been scientifically proven to shield against mild depression and negative emotions.
- These amazing lamps also naturally detoxify the air from allergens.
Himalayan Salt Lamps From Bed Bath And Beyond
Bed Bath & Beyond offers a great selection of affordable Himalayan crystal salt lamps in a variety of styles.
Essential Oil Diffuser
- An essential oil diffuser shoots essential oils broken down into vapor through the air helping to detoxify energy and other possible air pollution.
- Try diffusing Holy Basil, Cypress, Juniper or Cedarwood for clearing negative energy and Frankincense, Wild Orange or Bergamot to send the positive vibes back into the space.
- You can even try experimenting with mixtures of essential oils for different effects.
Vitruvi Essentials Diffusers
Vitruvi Essentials offers high quality, whisper-quiet essential oil diffusers made from natural wood with a large water tank and 2 mist settings.
2. Detoxify The Harmful Allergens, Bacteria And Chemicals In Your Home
Hidden dangers such as indoor air pollution, bath and shower water toxicity and toxic chemical exposure are just some of the potential health hazards in the home needs to be addressed. (source)
We are seeing a massive shift in recent times to using more chemical-free products in the home yet there is still much that can be done.
The following detoxification measures should be taken within the home in order to keep toxicity at a minimum:
Indoor Air Monitoring and Filtering
- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated, unbeknownst to most people, that pollution indoors actually exceeds levels found outdoors.
- Poor ventilation and a host of other reasons are cited as the main sources.
- Technological advancements have been made in home air filtering and purifying to combat this issue that help not only to cleanse the air but monitor it as well.
HEPA Air Purification System From IQ Air
IQ Air offers technologically advanced, ‘HyperHEPA’ home air purification systems and monitors that are certified to stop airborne pollutants.
Whole Home Water Filtering
- It is possible that you have a filter for the water you drink in your home.
- This is because of the unfortunate fact that the water coming out of our taps is filled with many types of contaminants.
- However, cooking with tap water, hand-washing dishes and bathing is another exposure risk.
- This is because we absorb unwanted contaminants from unfiltered water through our skin.
- Having a high quality water filter system set up that filters water for all taps in the home is ideal for negating this problem.
Aquasana Water Filters
Aquasana offers whole home filtration systems for city, municipal or private well water that remove contaminants from all taps.
Replace Toxic Products
- One negative offshoot of the modern era of industrialization was the invention of hazardous chemicals.
- These synthetic lab produced concoctions were derived usually in an effort to improve a product somehow with little to nothing known about the risk to contact with humans.
- Well that has changed substantially in recent years and the detriment of chemical exposure is being documented in a large degree.
- Cleaning products, laundry detergent, hand soap, toothpaste and antiperspirant should be switched to non-chemical brands or can even be made with natural ingredients on your own.
Most Common Hazardous Household Chemicals List
Global Healing created a free helpful list of common hazardous household chemicals to avoid because they can have a negative impact on your health.
3. Add More Tranquility And Restore Harmony
Ideally your home should be a sanctuary from the stressful world. It should rejuvenate and uplift you no matter if you live in a lavish palace or smart tiny home.
When you get to spend time at home you want to be in a space that is relaxing and nurturing.
The following tactics are sure to give your space more balance, peace and harmony:
Feng Shui
- The way in which you arrange furniture in your space has an impact on the flow of energy throughout your home.
- Feng shui principles involve creating balance and harmony based on how things are spaced and placed in accordance with the 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
- Also the use of color and incorporating décor that has significance to your life is involved.
- According to feng shui tradition, your home is a direct reflection of who you are and how you feel about life.
Shambhala Publications offers an in-depth guidebook to help you learn, design and enhance your living spaces using principles of Feng-Shui called “A Master Course In Feng-Shui” By Eva Wong
Plants And Greenery
- Certain types of plants and fresh flowers help to clear negative energy, create tranquility and serve to clear the air and provide us with more oxygen.
- It is possible to grow specific healing herbs in the home for decoration, positive energy and for adding to recipes and smoothies.
- Plants such as bamboo and aloe vera are purported to give off a sense of peace and reassurance.
Click And Grow Smart Gardens
Click And Grow offers innovative indoor smart gardens allowing you to grow herbs, flowers, fruits and leafy greens regardless of the season. They are 100% self-maintaining with no ‘green thumb’ required.
Meditation Space And Décor
- Create a space for meditation and quiet contemplation in your home to encourage mindfulness practice and to be a place of quiet refuge.
- Indoor fountains, artwork, meditation cushions, and tranquil sleeping areas all add to creating this serene space.
Buddha Groove Zen Home Accessories
Buddha Groove offers a large selection of unique home accessories to add to the zen-like vibe in your living space.
Keeping your living space free and clear from negative energy, chemically detoxified and making it into a peaceful rejuvenating sanctuary are necessary steps to creating an ideal healthy home environment. It is a reflection of your health and well-being and therefore is a very important piece of your overall health and wellness puzzle and not one to be forgotten or overlooked.
Sage Smudging Step-By-Step Directions
White Sage Smudge Kits
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